- In attendance: Katherine, Clara, Lauren, Riley, Katie, Nick, Will, Jessica, Chris, Austin, Megan, Hallie, Elizabeth, Robert, Kate.
- Serenity Prayer led by Kate
- Reports
- Secretary’s Report:
- Meeting minutes read and accepted.
- Treasurer’s Report:
- New total $1,834.83
- Outreach’s Report: Claire
- Not in attendance tonight.
- Events Report: Nick
- Nothing new to report
- Programs’ Report: Katherine
- Natalie confirmed to be our speaker.
- Graphics and Flyers Report:Chris
- Nothing new to report
- Memorabilia Report: Austin
- Nothing new
- Webmaster Report: Austin
- Posting the last meeting minutes on the website
- Registration’s Report:
- One new reg.
- Unity Report: Will
- Volunteering at FTR unity event
- Will is going to post in the group chat and all are welcome to join!
- Raffle Report: Katie
- Raffle winner has been announced (Austin)
- Any Other Necessary Reports
- Secretary’s Report:
- Old Business
- Currently Held Positions
- Chair: Riley
- Treasurer: Clara
- Secretary: Jessica
- Volunteer Chair: Elizabeth
- Outreach: Claire
- Events: Nick
- Programs: Katherine
- Registration: Megan
- Memorabilia: Austin
- Webmaster: Austin
- Graphics and Flyers: Chris
- Unity: Will
- Tickets and raffles: Katie
- Third Legacy: Brian
- Prayer: Kate
- Currently Held Positions
- Election of Necessary Positions
- Committee Positions
- Culinary Jedi
- Mail out
- Committee Positions
- Sign up sheet for hosting Sunday Meeting
- Karaoke bid-off Deets:
- PAAlentines Day event updates
- Want to get the details ironed out and hopefully get some Al-Anon participation!
- Memorabilia:
- Katherine makes a motion for $500 to order shirts 7 Small, 10 Medium, 10 Large, and 7 XL. Kate seconds. Friendly amendment to make the shirts be black. Passes Unanimously.

- NEXT MEETING: Sunday February 2nd @ 7:30-9pm Location: Jessica’s house