- Opening Prayer
- Reports
- Secretary’s Report
- Nick read the meeting minutes
- Motion to accept, seconded, passed.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Current balance $1,779.83
- Sold all but one of the playing cards we took to WACYPAA
- Outreach’s Report
- Great (!!!) outreach at WACYPAA
- Added to the district website
- Have fliers printed for the karaoke event
- Events Report
- Karaoke Bid Off on Jan 24th at 7:30pm at Fellowship Hall
- Has new business
- Programs’ Report
- Go over main meeting speakers tonight (new business)
- Graphics and Flyers Report
- Nothing to report
- Memorabilia Report
- Sent 20 decks of card to WACYPAA, sold 19 decks of card
- Currently have 17 decks of card left
- Donate a deck of cards to Area Archives
- Webmaster Report
- Redacted personal address when publishing notes etc on the website
- Registration’s Report: Registrations post-WACY
- 22 registrations!! 8 new registrations!!
- Clara says only been paid for 4 registrations so need to coordinate that
- Will look into name tags / badges
- 22 registrations!! 8 new registrations!!
- Unity Report
- Nothing to report (stay tuned for next meeting)
- Raffle Report
- Will pull raffle winner this week
- Maybe use another gift basket at karaoke?
- Dropped off business cards at FTR
- Any Other Necessary Reports
- Secretary’s Report
- Old Business
- Currently Held Positions
- Chair: Riley
- Treasurer: Clara
- Secretary: Jessica
- Volunteer Chair: Elizabeth
- Outreach: Claire
- Events: Nick
- Programs: Katherine
- Registration: Megan
- Memorabilia: Austin
- Webmaster: Austin
- Graphics and Flyers: Chris
- Unity: Will
- Tickets and raffles: Katie
- Third Legacy: Brian
- Prayer: Kate
- Currently Held Positions
- Election of Necessary Positions
- Committee Positions
- Culinary Jedi
- Mail out
- Committee Positions
- Sign up sheet for hosting Sunday Meeting
- Next in-person meeting at Jessica’s house!!!
- Karaoke Bid-Off Deets
- Jan 24th at 7:30pm at Fellowship Hall
- $10 suggested donation
- Essentially a silent auction, most amount of money gets to choose what song and who sings it
- Will likely let people without money perform some too
- Compensating Fellowship Hall? Still flexible and TBD
- Need to get flyers to Fellowship!
- Dress up for outreach? Disco!!
- Motion for a 30 min meeting (20 min speaker), seconded, passed.
- Jan 24th at 7:30pm at Fellowship Hall
- Memorabilia
- Shirts (offer pre-order or decide when to order)
- Estimated $15 per printed shirt
- Last year’s shirts were sold at $20 each
- Types of sweatshirts?
- Motion to table until next meeting, seconded, passed.
- Shirts (offer pre-order or decide when to order)
- Main meeting speakers
- Group conscious (not a formal motion) – Jen B and Colden G
- Katherine will reach out to them

New Business?
- Motion for a February event
- Pal-entine’s Day (or PAAlentine’s Day 😀)
- Relationships Panel??
- Recovery from Al-Anon
- Location and exact date (and details) TBD
- Motion passed
- Hospitality room at UCYPAA room?
- Perhaps not a full room but a table / corner of the main room?
- Elizabeth will manage reaching out to groups (to solicit donations) and organizing the table
- Motioned, seconded, passed.
- Chair’s role in discussion/voting
- Largely seems to have reached group consensus that chair can offer opinion/experience but not vote
- NEXT MEETING: Thursday January 16th @ 7-8pm Location: Zoomies