Meeting Minutes 4-11-23

Meeting started at 6:05 PM

Secretary, Cassidy – minutes read, approved 

Chair, Lisa – Hopes we get more pre reg’s. Jen – still significant snow in that area. Lisa also said up Emigration Canyon there’s a ton of snow. That’s her only report. 

Website/Program, Alex – does have stuff for the program. Posted the topic meetings in the group meeting. Emotional sobriety and spiritual experience/spiritual awakening. Sounds like we have two topic meetings. Can do the topic meeting on saturday at 11am emotional sobriety, the one on sunday morning can be spiritual experience/awakening. Did confirm that Kristi can speak as one of the main speakers. Cassidy said she got Owen to speak another night. Also need a meditation/yoga teacher. Jen – another potential speaker is Caden who is super involved in SUCCYPAA. 

Outreach, Brian – hasn’t done anything. Ski season’s over so that means he doesn’t have a job on the weekends anymore so he’ll be able to do a lot more stuff. Lisa offered to drop off flyers at a clubhouse to help out. 

Bid, Jen – SALTYPAA’s bidding, has no updates. SUCCYPAA decided not to bid, they’re going to bid for the four corners YPAA. Have said individuals are going to help support the Beaver bid. Beaver is bidding – only two normal committee members. Beaver has an annual campout that draws in 600 people. Spoke with someone from there, they have their big meeting tha tdraws people from other cities on the last Saturday of every month. It’s a speaker meeting. They have a potluck before the meeting. John is going to have a committee meeting

Clara, Registrations – 16 total responses to event registration. Doesn’t mean everyone has paid. Has tried to put in the different facebook groups and getting pre reg’s. People are interested in that at the Murray alano club if we can all work together to go there and announce that. Also went down to Provo, and is interested in coming but she thinks it’ll take a few more tries to get the word out. Maybe next week we could go all together. Would love the group’s help to announce a bit more to get registrations. Lisa – are you guys using the flyers from the group chat? Yes, but probably should print off more. 

Group discussed other options for main speakers and we also need more panel speakers. Kristi will be the main speaker for Saturday, the guy from SUCCYPAA can be the other main speaker on Friday. Owen will speak on one of the panels. We need three individuals on the panels for each day/topic. Brian B said he could get a guy from northern Utah to come up. Lisa said she has another woman she’ll ask to come speak on a panel. Jen also recommended another panel speaker. 

Alex – thinks we might not be able to have a yoga thing since we’re going on a hike, can just start with breakfast. 

Dog motion?
Official motion: add “please leave dogs at home and strongly discourage but don’t turn anyone away” – context – with a large group of people, food out, multiple dogs barking at night, would discourage dogs from going to the event. Alex seconded the motion. Group voted, and motion passed to add that to the flier. 

Also need to add the cash app and the venmo code as well. 

Jen – Connor Beard said he was bringing a dog in the registration info. How do we approach that in particular? 

Another new thing – Jen – are we doing merch? Are we going to sell t-shirts? No – it’s a bit late to do that. 

Clara – wanted to say SALTYPAA is doing a talent-show the weekend before ucypaa, wanted to invite the rest of ucypaa and other ypaa’s to co-host it. Either way they’d love to have our support to outreach too. The date is May 13th. Wants to see if we want to co-host or just support? If we co-hosted, we’d need to contribute to the event somehow. An idea if we do co-host would be to do a $5 buy in. Jen voted no on co-hosting, if someone can go there. 

Wrap up – does everyone know what we need to do in terms of getting speakers and spreading outreach? We’ll have two bids for the advisory committee. Alex doesn’t think we need to adjust the time to fit in both presentations. 

When is next meeting? Will reconvene on May 2nd for our 6pm meeting.

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