1.0 Purpose
The Utah Conference of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous (UCYPAA) is formed for the purpose of furthering the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) through its planning and hosting an annual Conference for young people in AA. The Conference provides an opportunity for A.A. members, regardless of age, to come together and share their experience, strength and hope as members of AA. Our hope is that Conference attendees return to their home groups better prepared to welcome young people into their local AA community.
2.0 Structure
2.1 Organizational Structure
It is suggested that all members of UCYPAA conduct themselves within the 12 Steps, 12
Traditions and 12 Concepts of Alcoholics Anonymous. The work of UCYPAA shall be carried out primarily by and through an elected Host Committee and Advisory Council. The Advisory Council, headed by the Operating Committee, is the custodian of the Conference and of UCYPAA as a whole. It is both legal guardian and spiritual servant of UCYPAA. The Advisory Council shall act as a body and no individual shall act independently of the majority opinion.
2.2 Advisory Council
The purposes of the Advisory Council are, but not limited to:
- Practicing AA 12 Steps, 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts of World Service;
- Carry the message of AA throughout Utah via the annual Conference;
- Custodial oversight of UCYPAA and veto power over the Host Committee;
- Make available, to any AA member who requests it, information regarding UCYPAA and young people in AA;
- Make regular contact with the General Service Office (GSO) and the Area Service Committees of Utah;
- Provide guidance to committees from Utah who are bidding for the Conference;
- Select future Conference site based on the Bid Committee presentations that are conducted at each year’s Conference;
- Provide guidance to the current Host Committee;
- Protect UCYPAA, its assets, and manage UCYPAA using best practices of non-profit organizations;
- Practice transparency in its affairs;
- Maintain the archives.
- Helping other areas develop bids
2.3 Host Committee Cooperation
All bank accounts for the Host committee are to be opened under the tax identification number of the Advisory Council with the Advisory Chairperson and Treasurer as two of the signers.
All Hotel negotiations prior to signing of contract should be brought to the Advisory Chair and Advisory Hotel Liaison for approval and guidance. The final contract will be signed only by the Chair and Co-Chair of the Advisory Council. All Host subcommittee budgets should be discussed with previous Host committee chairs in an effort to provide the most accurate budgets. All Host subcommittee budgets require approval from Advisory Council prior to going before the Host Committee for approval.
Advisory Council should always try to obtain the most comprehensive and reasonably priced insurance policy possible for all of the activities that are conducted throughout the calendar year leading up to, and including, the annual conference. The type and cost of insurance shall be determined by a group conscience and shall be in accordance with nonprofit guidelines.
2.4 Advisory Membership
2.4.1 General Advisory
Each Host Committee shall elect, through the Third Legacy Procedure as outlined in the current Alcoholics Anonymous Service Manual, three (3) people to serve on the Advisory Council for a period of four (4) years. Full UCYPAA Advisory membership is defined as twelve (12) members. Those elected as General Advisory members have full voting responsibility. The sobriety requirements for these positions are six months continuous sobriety.
2.4.2 Alternate Advisory
Each Host Committee shall also elect, through the Third Legacy Procedures and outlined in the current Alcoholics Anonymous Service Manual, three (3) Alternate Advisory members. Those elected as alternates are non-voting members.
2.4.3 Vacancies
A vacant Advisory seat should be filled by an “active” Advisory alternate. Active is defined as an alternate who regularly attends UCYPAA Advisory meetings and is engaged in issues and discussions that arise at Advisory meetings. Whether or not an alternate is “active” is up to the discretion of the current Advisory Council. If there is more than one active alternate willing to fill the vacant seat, the position shall be filled through Third Legacy Procedure. The newly elected member shall fill the term of the vacated Advisory seat. If this term is shorter than the alternate’s remaining term of service, the newly elected member will rotate back to alternate status at the conclusion of the term of the vacated Advisory seat. If the term of the vacated Advisory seat is longer than the newly elected member’s term, the alternate has the option, with the consent of the Advisory Council, of serving as a full member until the vacated seat’s term is over, thus serving for more than four (4) years. If the member elected to fill the vacated seat wishes to rotate off Advisory at the end of their term, a new Third Legacy Procedure vote shall take place to fill the remainder of the term originally vacated by the previous Advisory member. If the Advisory is unable to fill the seat with an alternate, than a person rotating off at the end of his or her four (4) year service term may be requested to serve until Advisory again reaches full membership.
2.4.4 Resignations
Advisory members should be considered to have voluntarily resigned under any of the following conditions:
1. Failure to attend two (2) consecutive Conferences;
2. Failure to attend two (2) consecutive Advisory meetings without giving notice to the
Chair and submitting necessary reports for their positions; or
3. A break in continuous sobriety.
2.5 Operating Committee
The Advisory Council shall elect from its membership and operating committee consisting of a Chairperson, a Co-Chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer. They shall not take actions, individually or collectively, on behalf of the Council. Upon being elected, they shall serve for two (2) years. Any member may serve on the operating committee for any length of time, but may not hold the same position for more than one two (2) year term. An Operating Committee member’s term may extend one year beyond that member’s term of service on the Advisory Council.
2.5.1 Chairperson
- Arrange for and announce the agenda for all Advisory meetings;
- Open Advisory meetings and maintain order for the duration of the meetings;
- Recognize members entitled to the floor;
- State and put to vote all motions properly made and seconded;
- Announce the results of all votes;
- Affix signature to all Advisory actions; and
- Be one of two (2) signatories on all bank accounts and facility contracts
- Must plan, write and announce the agenda for the Advisory Council and Operating Committee meetings.
- Must keep the Operating Committee informed on all UCYPAA matters of importance
- Must maintain a working relationship between Host Committees and the Council to ensure that the best interests of UCYPAA are being served.
- In the event the Council vote to relieve a member of their elected position, it is the Chairperson’s responsibility to inform him or her of the Council’s decision.
2.5.2 Co-Chairperson
- Accept the full duties of the Chairperson in their absence;
- Carry out the various duties assigned by the Council.
- In the absence of the Chairperson, shall accept the full duties of the Chairperson.
- Must stay completely informed on all UCYPAA matters.
- Must act as a liaison between UCYPAA Advisory Council and potential Bid Committees.
- Must maintain a working relationship between Bid Committees and the Council to ensure that the best interests of UCYPAA are being served
In the event the Council votes to relieve the Chairperson of their elected position, it is the Co- Chairperson’s responsibility to inform him or her of the Council’s decision. In the event the committee votes to relieve the Chairperson of their elected position or if the Chairperson’s position is vacated for any reason, the Co-Chairperson will immediately rotate into the position of Chairperson for the duration of the term.
2.5.3 Treasurer
- Keep accurate financial records of all Advisory transactions;
- Give financial reports at Advisory meetings and present annual financial report at the Conference;
- Responsible for making recommendations to the Advisory Council for individual committee budgets;
- Must keep detailed financial records of all Council business and make the current financial records, bank statements, account ledgers, check books, tax returns and correspondence available at Council Meetings;
- Must provide a detailed transactions report and balance sheet of the Council’s accounts to each member of Council 30 days prior and as soon as is practical 90 days after each conference;
- Have in their possession at all Advisory meetings all bank statements, deposit slips, and checkbooks in order to make deposits and disbursements, as necessary;
- Maintain all accounts subject to inspection at any time;
- Be one of two (2) signatories on all bank accounts; and
- Must work with the Treasurer of the Host Committee to ensure the proper maintenance of financial records.
- Make annual contributions, subject to group conscience, to the Utah Areas and GSO.
- Must oversee the preparation and filing of Federal Tax Returns, as applicable
- Maintain payment of the Post Office Box for the Committee
2.5.4 Secretary
- Act as custodian of all operational materials;
- Keep minutes of all Advisory and Operating Committee meetings;
- Answer all correspondence promptly;
- Furnish minutes to all Advisory members on a timely basis (within 30 days of the meetings or 3 days in advance of upcoming meeting); and
- Furnish copies of all Advisory members on matters affecting Advisory or the Conference.
2.6 Other Council Elected Positions
Advisory may also elect from its membership, through Third Legacy Procedure, additional Council positions consisting of, but not limited to, Archivist, Outreach Chair, Hotel Liaison, Website Chair, and Bid-City Liaison. All positions carry a commitment of one (1) year. The Operating Committee has no power beyond its stated responsibilities.
2.6.1 Archivist
- Act as the caretaker of the archives (documents, memorabilia, traveling showcases, etc.) in such a way that there is no substantial distortion of the material;
- Act as custodian of the Conference banner and be responsible for storage between Conferences and for the banner’s delivery to the current Host Committee at its convenience.
- Shall work with the Host Committee on matters pertaining to the archives including displays for the Conference and materials to be collected before, during and after the Conference;
- Shall be the liaison between the G.S.O. Archivist and the Advisory Council pertaining to all UCYPAA archives issues and follow, to the best of his/her ability, the Archives Guidelines set forth by G.S.O.
- Shall work with the Host Committee on matters pertaining to the archives including displays for the conference and material to be collected before, during and after the conference. This can include novelties, memorabilia, the Host Committee’s written experience, etc.
- A past or present Council member may stand for the archivist position. After the first year, this person will have served at least one year on Council before being elected to the Archivist position. The Archivist shall be elected to a 3-year term. If the Archivist is not a current council member, he or she is not required to attend the conference. If the Archivist does not attend, suitable arrangements must be made for the transportation and display of archives materials at the conference and for submission of an annual report.
- The Archivist shall at all times act in accordance with the Twelve Traditions, being especially concerned with protecting members’ anonymity, and in accordance with the Twelve Concepts for World Service, exercising appropriate authority while always remaining accountable to the guidance of the Advisory Council.
- The Archivist must submit a written report at the annual Council meeting detailing all activities of the preceding year, with a description of all expenses associated with fulfilling their duties and a projected budget for the coming year. The secretary should receive this report one week prior to the current year’s conference.
2.6.2 Outreach & Communication Chair
- Inform local and regional AA’s about UCYPAA and UCYPAA events;
- Form a sub-committee or appoint liaisons to help distribute responsibilities, when necessary;
- Shall annually issue to all Inter-groups, Districts, Areas, and all who request it within Utah State, an invitation to bid for the next UCYPAA. Included in this should be bid requirements, registration forms for the upcoming UCYPAA, information as to where bids will be heard, and any other UCYPAA information they see as beneficial; and
- Responsible for creating and submitting a projected budget for outreach expenses each Conference year.
- Responsible for working with the Host Committee Outreach Chair throughout the year. Whereas the Host Committee’s main objective is to outreach their conference, the Advisory Council Outreach and Communications Chair’s effort is more focused on the long- term conference outreach.
- Focused on the areas where UCYPAA has not been well represented in the past. This also serves as an opportunity to outreach areas that might have an interest in bidding for a future UCYPAA. The sub-committee is comprised of the Outreach and Communications Chair and selected members for statewide outreach purposes. The subcommittee will supply areas with information about UCYPAA as well ensure outreach is taking place in every area of the state. In addition, this committee will liaise and coordinate with the website chair for web posting of the master list of YPAA meetings, configuration of the website drop down menu accessibility, and notification of any additional updates required.
- They should work directly with the Bid City Liaison in order to better address these goals.
2.6.3 Hotel Liaison
- Act as a liaison between the host city’s hotel chair and Advisory Council; and
- Assist the current Host Committee’s Hotel Chair in whatever capacity may be needed to ensure the interests of the Conference are carried out.
- Answer questions and offer advice to the bid cities in preparing the unsigned hotel contracts required by the bid requirements.
- Update the rest of advisory on this progress during each advisory conference call or meeting
2.6.4 Website Chair
- Develop a website which meets the needs of the UCYPAA Advisory Council;
- Provide on-going website operations monitoring, maintenance, and oversight, including the removal/replacement of outdated/updated information as necessary;
- Ensure that the content of the website remains within the 36 principles of AA, taking into special consideration the role of anonymity on the internet;
- Assist the Host Committee with their website; and
- Responsible for creating and submitting a projected budget for each Conference year for website expenses.
2.6.5 Bid-City Liaison
- Acts as the liaison between the Council and any committee bidding for the following Conference;
- Is available to aid any committee who needs information on bidding for future Conferences;
- Assists the Outreach Chair in preparing bid invitations to various Utah AA entities.
- Is available to aid any committee who needs information on bidding for future Conferences;
- Assists in answering individual bid city position questions
- Extensive knowledge of traditions & and bylaws as per committee group conscience
- Must have knowledge of bid requirements as per advisory
- Liaison between bid committee and advisory committee
- Stays in close contact with those responsible for the bid package
- Reports status of what’s going on with committee and progress of bid package; to be discussed on every advisory call
- Suggested attendance of committee meetings and/or events; at least 4. [If a meeting can’t be attended, show up for the next event or vice versa]
- Liaison must be present for steering committee elections for host committee, and/or find available Operating Committee Members to conduct elections
2.7 Council Members
Advisory Council members, whether they hold an elected position or not, are trusted servants of UCYPAA and of Alcoholics Anonymous as a whole. They are trusted servants of the current Host Committee and of bidding cities, whose job is to encourage UCYPAA participation throughout the year. For the purposes of outreach, each member of the Advisory Council may be assigned to a designated region within Utah.
3.0 Procedures
3.1 General
- The Advisory Council chair should appoint an ad hoc Committee to research and present all recommendations on changing or adding requirements to the Advisory Council bylaws.
- All Council financial transactions shall be made through its bank accounts.
- No member of the Council shall incur expenses in the Council name without first receiving a 2/3’s Majority approval of the Council.
- The Council shall be foremost aware of the welfare of A.A. as a whole. The Twelve Traditions of A.A. will be strictly adhered to. The Council shall act as a body and no individual shall make decisions independent of the Majority opinion.
- The Post Office Box, bank accounts, and Council material should not be used for anything other than Council business. These materials should not be used in group or area business. All materials accounts of the Council shall be deemed property of the Council and passed on to our successors within 30 days of succession.
- The Operating Committee shall submit, for approval, distributions of funds for the coming year. The Council shall endeavor to maintain a prudent reserve for Conference support, if necessary. Contact information for the newly elected Advisory Council members and their alternates shall be provided to the Council at the next Advisory Council meeting (Saturday of Conference).
- This group adheres to and operates by Roberts Rules of Order
With exception of conference year 22/23:
- Active advisory members will receive a travel stipend not to exceed $100 dollars per year.
- Alternate advisory members will receive a travel stipend not to exceed $50 dollars per year.
- Advisory Council Members should encourage Conference participation throughout the year to preserve our continuity. The Council will be the ultimate authority in choosing the Conference site and will hear bids at its annual Conference Meetings.
- All UCYPAA Conferences shall be designated as such and be designated with a number so as to preserve their autonomy and character. They shall not be held in conjunction with, or in conflict with, any other function, A.A. or otherwise if at all possible. All Conference Committee Members are expected to pay their own individual expenses, and cannot expect the Advisory Council to assume financial obligations. All material and financial assistance given along with the Conference profit after expenses shall be given to the Advisory Council. The Conference Committee has ninety (90) days after the Conference to forward the profit and a financial statement to the Advisory Council Treasurer.
- The Host Planning Committee should be offered all prior Conference material along with any other information that individuals, or the Advisory Council as a whole, possess. Host Committee should be given autonomy from the Council. They are a distinct committee chosen by the council and should function free of Council domination but with the knowledge that the Council stands ready to assist when requested or when the Host Committee appears to be in difficulty. At that point, the Council would seek ways to help the Conference Committee however possible.
3.2 Council Meetings
“Council Meetings” refer to the business meetings of the Advisory Council at the Conference and as scheduled throughout the year at the determination of the Advisory Council Chair. Attendance at such meetings shall be limited to current members only. Invitations may be extended to non- Council members to attend in extenuating circumstances. During the Council meetings at UCYPAA Conferences, the first 30 minutes of the Saturday Advisory Council Business meeting (this meeting usually begins sometime after the bid session) will be open to the general Conference membership for the purpose of stating concerns, making suggestions,
or presenting comments related to the Conference and/or Advisory Council. Such concerns and suggestions will be discussed later by the Advisory Council.
∙ The Chairperson shall arrange times, meeting places, and agendas for all Council Meetings. A Quorum shall consist of 2/3’s of the Council Members. Motions, resolutions, and Conference site approval shall require a 2/3’s Majority Vote of the Quorum (see AA Service Manual for voting procedures). All Council Members have one vote and will vote on all matters. Absentee voting is NOT permitted but virtual meeting attendance is permitted. A 2/3 s Majority vote of the Quorum is necessary to change By-Laws and/or revise Operating Rules. The Council, at its meetings, shall have the sole authority in choosing the Conference sites. In the event that no city presents a bid, an emergency meeting of the Council Members shall be called without delay. All past and present Council Members will be invited to attend in order to find a suitable site for the Conference or determine if the Conference should be suspended, as well as determine the subsequent fate of the Council and its functions.