Here are the minutes from Feb 7th –
Meeting Started at 6:06PM on Zoom
Serenity Prayer
Role: Clara, Lisa, Cassidy, Brian
January minutes read & approved – Clara
General group discussion – booked back-up campsite on Antelope Island
Chair – Lisa
Outreach at ACYPAA
Banners got stolen but got it back
American Fork, Hugo – doesn’t know if they’ll do a bid
Set up a different Zoom account for our next meeting on the 19th
Treasurer’s Report – Brian
$545 not including what we need for paying Anna for Dodgeball
Leaves us with $460-$450
Outreach – trying to set up a district list for DCMCs? Cassidy said she can send him DCMC for District 2 information – included Amy S’s information in zoom chat
Lisa – Tentative budget for hospitality (food stuffs)
Breakfast – pancakes for two days
Taco bar on Saturday
$302 – doesn’t include drinks or tax – around $400 forecasted for food budget
We might provide firewood depending on if we have a hookup
Some discussion on having someone who could provide firewood. Will follow up.
March event – Steve – Could help host the event
Decided on March 4th for that event
Viability of UCYPAA?
Lost money on the dodgeball event – what happened?
Discussed maybe time of day, frequency of events by different committees
Venmo cut off for flyer
Meeting ended at 7PM