Meeting Minutes 1-3-23

UCYPAA Meeting Minutes


Secretary- Clara read past meeting minutes, minutes were approved.

Chair- Lisa outreached to Spanish speaking YPAA groups, no response. Other groups in Spanish Fork holding events, Hugo is contact name. They may be interested in forming a committee, UCYPAA will support them however we can.

New Years went well! Would be interested in doing it again.

Treasurer- SNOWYPAA treasurer to venmo $110 to UCYPAA as profit to from NYE event. $370 total in checking. Needs to set up real bank account with Lisa still.

Bid Liaison- SALTYPAA still bidding, SUCYPAA planning on bidding potentially. CASHYPAA is bidding for SWACYPAA, not UCYPAA this year.

Webmaster- pre-reg is on website with minutes, will include flyer when its approved.

Old Business:


Dodge the first drink first step speaker 30 minute speaker, 30 minute open discussion.

Lisa will find the speaker.

Snacks provided, suggested donation: $10

Anna to source snacks, case of water, case of Lacroix, case of energy drinks. Figure out budget with Lisa.

Clara to call rec center to find another room.

New business:

Open positions-

Cassidy stands for secretary, Cassidy is approved.

Clara stands for Registration Chair, Clara is elected.

Group needs a Hotel Liaison. The group also discussed the rotation system in the bylaws.


Create zoom call for bid committees in March as a status report, time to ask questions: 3/19 at 7pm.

Hold mac and cheese cookoff and karaoke event in March

Next meeting- January 24th 6pm.

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