UCYPAA Host Meeting Minutes 8-6-2023


  • Third Legacy Chair Meeting – Grant lead us through the 8th tradition with a discussion
  • Business Meeting Start Time: 12:05pm
  • Old Business:
    • We still have lots of positions open, both officer and committee. Below is a list of what is currently unfilled:
      • Officer Positions: Co-Treasurer, Secretary, Co-Secretary, Service Liaison, Outreach
      • Committee Positions: Communications, Prayer Chair, Unity, Newsletter, Archives, Decorations, Refreshments, Greetings (aka Greeter), Clean Up, Usher, Tickets and Raffle
    • Here are the officer and committee positions that are currently filled:
      • Chair: Katie
      • Co-Chair: Jonathan
      • Treasurer: Will
      • Third Legacy: Grant
      • Events: Lisa
      • Programs: Laura
      • Registration: Riley
      • Facilities: Lisa
      • Webmaster: Clara
      • Memorabilia: Laura
      • Graphics and Flyers: Austin
      • Hospitality: Taryn
      • (If I am missing anyone please let me know – Katie)
    • Our next big event on the calendar is the Jazzercise Event
      • Details: September 29th, 2023 at Local Co-op. We have the space from 7:15pm-10:15pm. Setup will commence at 7:15pm. Doors open at 7:30pm for a half hour of fellowship. We’ll start our class at 8pm being led by Anna S. After class at 9pm we’ll have a meeting. At 10pm we’ll clean up and close up by 10:15pm. There is no food and drink allowed in the space itself. 1970s/1980s Aerobics Style Dress Up Encouraged! 
      • Austin we will need a flyer for this event!
      • Budget: The space will cost $35 and we have a tentative budget of $125
    • Outreach for SWACYPAA
      • We need to get the site up and running for pre-registration hopefully in time to take to SWACYPAA in two-ish weeks
      • Those attending SWACYPAA please be on the lookout for possible speakers for UCYPAA 2024! If Laura is not able to attend please put Laura in touch with any potential speakers.
      • At the moment we don’t have any hand in the hospitality room, it is possible to do something at the last minute.
  • Reports:
    • Old Business/Secretary’s Report: Unanimously Approved
    • Treasurer’s Report: Given by Katie, Will so kindly provided the report and could not make it to the meeting.
      • (This is also on the GroupMe Chat)
      • Hams, Hots, and Holes Financials:
        • Donations:
          • Venmo: $166
          • Cash: $99
          • Total: $265
        • Expenses:
          • Pavilion Fee: $52
          • Reimbursements: $40.62
          • Total: $92.62
        • Total Profit for the event: $172.38
      • Treasury Report:
        • Checking: $1,508.50
        • Savings: $1,050.03
        • Petty Cash: $99
      • Transactions on Bank Account:
        • July 17 –  Venmo Deposit from Yoga Event $60
        • July 17 – Cash Deposit from Yoga Event $60
        • July 24 – Venmo deposit from late donations $35
        • July 24 – Moved $443.39 from checking to savings
    • Events and Facilities Report
      • Lisa has put together an approximate event budget in the share UCYPAA Host Google Drive
      • Motion for an event next month (Jazzercise) and open discussion for an event next month (BYOP: Bring Your Own Pinata Taco Night)
      • Subcommittee Meeting will be happening soon for new events
    • There is an example of a projected budget in the Google Drive for those on the committee who believe they will need a budget for the UCYPAA Conference itself
  • New Business
    • By-laws need Updating – preferably with standing operating procedures
    • Motion for New Event made by Lisa:
      • Saturday, September 16th at Lisa’s House. Pinata Party and Taco Bar (Tentatively named BYOP: Bring Your Own Pinata). Event to start at 7pm and fireside meeting to start at 9pm. Projected budget of $80 and $5 suggested donation. 
        • Austin we will need a flyer for this event 
        • Motion PASSES unanimously
    • Business Discussion for Jazzercise/Aerobics Event (see old business for details)
    • Unity Event of Ice Blocking led by Jonathon tentatively scheduled for August 26
    • Business Discussion of fun parody videos to promote events on our Facebook page
    • Great Outdoor Beaver Meeting – Outreach Event over Labor Day Weekend August 31 – September 3, Camping, Pre-registration is $15 and dinner Saturday night $12, run kids events 
    • Vote in Theme
      • Lisa’s theme suggestion:

“CAST OFF the burdens of the past” -pg. 559

Reading: (give or take a few sentences before or after)

“…We learn how to level out the emotional swings that got us into trouble both when we were up and when we were down.

We are taught to differentiate between our wants(which are never satisfied) and our needs(which are always provided for.) We cast off the burdens of the past and the anxieties of the future, as we begin to live in the present, one day at a time. We are granted ‘the serenity to accept the things we cannot change’– and thus lose our quickness to anger and our sensitivity to criticism. Above all, we reject fantasizing and accept reality….”

  • Clara Motions Laura Seconds 
  • Unanimously Passes 
  • This will be the theme of our UCYPAA 2024 Conference
  • T-Shirts in small batch for committee members have their sizes in and two of each size
    • Motion to use the groups funded not to exceed $200 for the first round of shirts
      • Unanimously Passes
  • Laura willing to step in fully for Memorabilia she is currently temp
  • Motion for Flyer for Service Positions for UCYPAA
    • Motion passes unanimously
    • Austin we will need to make this the priority on flyers
  • Motion to Nail Down Pre-Registration Form – Get Flyers Set up BEFORE SWACYPAA
    • Suggested starting early pre registration price at $30
      • $45 price to be upped to 
      • Table Price atm
      • Order of operations
        • Flyer
        • Theme
        • QR Code – On Canva
      • Encourage People to Book Rooms for UCYPAA Cabins and Put Lisa as a Contact on the flyer
      • Clara will put updated Registration Form on the SALTYPAA website
      • We have a full kitchen and will be feeding people, we have nice facilities thus the higher cost
      • Work with Riley – Registration, Will – Treasurer, Austin – Graphics & Flyers
    • Motion unanimously passes
  • Motion to close made by Grant – passes unanimously 
  • Meeting Adjourned at 1:04pm

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